Monday 30 April 2012

The 'Exposure'

I have finished my orientation day on the ward today. My brain is mush, now I realise some of you may ask well what is the difference? I can barely string a sentence together and I can just about remember my name if I keep looking at my ID badge! The staff however are great very welcoming and friendly, and I am looking forward to working now. The only concern I have is for the general public as I said a few posts back I am exposing a bits of my anatomy that haven't been exposed to sunlight since I moved to the UK eighteen years ago!!

My knees and legs are white, bright, fat and shiny. They look like to great big sausages sticking out of a blue shorts pan! The top has no mercies either and shows of my lovely Michelan Tyre Man modelling well don't you think??? Its truly frightening and I can only apologise to all those I care for. Apart from looking like a lumberjack or a scary version of teh marshmellow man off of Ghostbusters (imagine this image with a black helmet) the plus side is my legs get a fantastic breeze when I ride my bike!
I am looking forward to many more days as an outback midwife despite the sheer lunacy of putting a fat bird like me in such a uniform!
To all my family and friends love you all and keep smilin'.


  1. Don't you worry - after a few weeks of hard work, some of it will come off.Perhaps?!

  2. You won't stay white for long!

  3. Aww Tish, you look fab, and the main thing is that you'll be comfortable :)
