Friday 20 April 2012

Weather forecasts!

Every day this week the forecast has followed the same pattern....
Monday, evening rain showers. It did not rain!
Tuesday, evening rain showers. It did not rain!
Wednesday, evening rain showers. It did not rain!
Thursday, evening rain showers. It did not rain!
So today even though the forecast said showers this evening we decided that we would go out for a picnic tea. Of course today was the day they got the forecast right and yes as soon as we were settled down for our nice sausage stew with french bread it started to rain! we tried sticking it out but when it got to the stage of Tish not being able to see through her glasses we called it a day, dashed back to the car getting absolutely soaked and drove home. As soon as we pulled into the drive yes you've guessed it, IT STOPPED RAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least the rain was warm though!

1 comment:

  1. Seems like the only times here that the forecast is wrong is when it says it won't rain. Except for today - so instead of gardening or painting windows I'm about to head into work. Damn.
