Tuesday 3 April 2012

Crabs and other painful events..

Today was Tish's pre-orientation meeting up at the hospital, to check that all the paperwork was correct, get uniform and her security pass to allow her in. It all went very well although if they saw her attempt to climb up the kurb they might question the sanity of letting her work there - a graceful sprawl across the pavement it was not, luckily aside from a scraped knee and twisted ankle nothing else was dented other than her pride. Unfortunately I did not have the camera ready!!

Whilst Tish was in her meeting I took the children up the coast to Buffalo Creek - a superb place but one frequented by car thieves. Luckily there is a secure, staffed car park with reasonable rates so we were able to go for a walk without being concerned as to whether we had a car to go back to.
The tide was out, way out - due to difficulties uploading pictures have not posted one showing the miles of glorious tropical beach that lay before us!
We went for a seashell forage and were not disappointed there were stacks of shells of all types scattered across the beach.
The stars of the show though were without doubt these guys..

These mud crabs came in packs - you could get so close and then they would scuttle away on mass..

Not very clear I know but the blueish dots are all crabs, the children thought it was very funny! Hamish asked what all the small balls of sand were and was very amused when he found out it was crab spit!!

Once we had picked up Tish we then went and joined the library, returned to the hospital to collect her uniform and security pass (the latter was not ready so prehaps they had seen her little fall after all...), went to the shops to buy schools shoes and sandles for me (very reasonably priced in fact cheaper than in the UK) before the major excitement of the day collecting our new car.
This was all going wonderfully until it came to the paying part, we had forgotten to get a bankers draft and even more annoyingly we were in the bank earlier this afternoon as well! Oh well we will try again tomorrow once we have been in to the bank!

Tomorrows big event is Xanthe and Hamish first day at school - just going in for a day to make sure we qualify for the back to school grant.


  1. My word, you'll all be properly settled locals soon! Any word yet on when the furniture turns up? You were hoping this week

    1. It is due to arrive in Darwin tomorrow (5th) andd we are not sure exactly when they will deliver it - everywhere is shut on Friday 6th so possibly not until next Tuesday.
