Saturday 28 April 2012

Red-capped Plover

An early posting today that is purely bird related - we have work colleagues of Tish's coming over for a BBQ tonight so thought would blog early.
Another opportunity to head off to Buffalo Creek again this morning. The tide was way down and only slowly rising so the going was much harder than last weekend. that said still saw 48 species including a couple of new ones. Unfortunately the best bird a Black-necked Stork or Jabiru, was too distant and in the wrong light to get any pictures at all which was very disappointing.
Compensation though came in the form of a group of red-capped plovers that were getting very territorial on the beach. These waders are very small but absolutely fearless when defending their patch. This group were happy to have a go at masked lapwings, egrets and even me!
I stumbled onto this nest..

The female then tried to distract me with the typical wader wing drooping hobble. I moved off to a safe distance and set up the camera to try and get some photos.

This is the female after she had successfully distracted me away from her nest.

A group of three slightly jumpy males.

More tomorrow.


  1. An opportunity for a very early comment then! Nice. Enjoy the BBQ. Weekend here so wet and horrible - as I'm working I don't give a toss anyway! xx

  2. Nice day here for a change. No way we want a BBQ though! Doing well with your bird list.
