Thursday 12 April 2012

Moving in day..

I am sitting in our lounge with a stubbie, back ache and with very raw inner thighs (leave that to your imagination; we are in!!!
It has been a very long day, everyone up at 6am to make sure we were at home in time for the container to arrive at 7am.
We last saw our house in mid January as it was being loaded onto a container
before it vanished over the hill..
It was a great moment when the lorry appeared around the corner, although Hamish's comment that it was not the same colour did get everyone slightly worried that the mother of all cock-ups had happened (it hadn't).
As in Scotland the crew that came with it were brilliant and we were soon unloaded.
During which time the children enjoyed their first meal in our new home.

The lounge looked like the lounge at Bonnykelly before too long..

The team then unpacked all the large items, and put everything back together before loading any rubbish and heading off to their next job. A second crew was meant to come and help do the full un pack but they did not arrive and so Tish and I pottered around and got on with it which was fine although we have both pulled muscles in our backs and are quite stiff.
At this stage there have only been two casualties - one very minor namely the wheel that the glass plate in the microwave sits on and one major one namely the dishwasher that does not seem to have survived. Outwardly it is intact but I think the pump has gone so it does not work - but hey thats what insurance is for (we took out everything, mildew, pairs, physical damage and electronic failure cover) so we will sort that tomorrow.
Will post more photo's of the house tomorrow but just want to end on a wildlife photo as have not had one for a while. Our house list is now up to ten species with my first Australian nest..
A slightly out of focus (our camera is playing up at moment) Brown Honeyeater nest, the adults were getting very annoyed with me whilst I was talking to the Pickfords guys on the drive.
Oh yes - what a small world, the crew chief was orinigally from Southend in Essex!


  1. Well done. Shame the other men didn't arrive. Not good for your backs. What a nuisance about the dishwasher - a good thing you were insured.

  2. Yay! (See - warned you she would!) Now waiting for pictures round the house to see how it looks.
