Wednesday 18 April 2012

Late night visitor and BBQ

We had left the kitchen light on by mistake yesterday evening whilst we were watching TV (although there is in general not much on the box it has to be said) and when we went in to sort the packed lunches we noticed one of our "neighbours" looking in...
Very cute and happy looking chap!
The main event today though was the arrival of the last couple of items we needed to maximise the space we have:

And the Oz essential:

Tomorrow paperwork day - got to sort out all the details for the insurance claim!


  1. Love your visitor. So cute! Splendid BBQ. Obviously run by gas. Table and chairs look very smart. Are the children doing any sport after school yet?

    1. Not yet - just getting them settled in properly at this stage.

  2. Is it next door one sees in the pic of the hungry hoard waiting for their food?

  3. I've tweaked the kids' uniform shot - if you want a look check out the blog I set up (unfortunately I can't attach a pic into a comment in your blog - if you want to add it for your friends at all you'll have to copy it across).
