Sunday 29 April 2012

Barking Mad

Another glorious day - not sure that we mention the weather enough on the blog so a quick summary of the last week. Hot and dry!
This morning decide to try East Point a favoured site for two NT specialities Rainbow Pitta and Rose-crowned Fruit Dove. I got flight views (again) of the dove and not a hint of the Pitta.
What I did get though were nice views of the largest member of the cuckoo family a Channel-billed Cuckoo. If I were a small bird I would be petrified if this thing came to lay an egg in my nest.

There were still a few waders knocking around on the reefs - the highlight for me being a very distant Terek Sandpiper with a group of Grey-tailed Tattlers.

A very poor shot but you can see the up-turned bill!

Back home an e-mail from the local NT Bird group got me cycling down to the local cricket oval (about 900m away) with the camera to see if a pair of owls were still around.

These are a pair of Barking Owls!

The BBQ went very well yesterday although two of the guests never arrived so tea this evening was left overs!
Tomorrow is the Big Day with Tish on an early shift.


  1. Wow! So can't wait to go and see all these places. Nothing like BBQ leftovers, serious yum. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Tish - as I sit at my desk watching the hands crawl round to bedtime you'll be prowling the wards and learning the ropes. Hope it all goes well xx

  2. Glad you saw the barking owls. Lovely names they have there. What a shame not everyone turned up for the BBQ. Saw 2 deer coming up our track this morning. Unfortunately Polo woofed and they ran! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow, Tish.xxxxxxx

  3. Good for Polo I say. Though if she does that when I'm up of course I shall use a sock to tie her woofer shut. 24 days!
