Tuesday 17 April 2012

Larry the Lobster lands..

Another busy day sorting the last couple of major items for the house - but more of that tomorrow.
Todays undoubted main highlight was the long awaited arrival of
Larry the Lobster from Auntie Jo.
As you can see it went down very well with everyone..

Thankyou Auntie Jo!

For those of you unable to sleep as you are waiting for the identity of the cracking little dragonfly I posted over the weekend, the wait is over. It is aparently called Graphic Flutterer


  1. What a lovely addition to your household! How
    pleased you must all be! We are now looking forward to a good night's sleep now that we know what the dragonfly was. Obviously school went well - they all look very happy!

  2. They fit on Larry far better than I did!
