Wednesday 16 May 2012

Still waiting....

"I am still waiting for my little pressie to me
couldn't pick it up today as they're still detailing it with glee.
Hopefully it will be here Friday
and I'll be able to join the highway.
So keep your eyes peeled to the blog
and this prologue will become a epilogue of this little dialogue!"
love Tish

I also discovered this fantastic band and song and according to my husband I am behind the times as he says he found it first in January. Here is a link to a fantastic song.

Also we get a series out here called the BigBangTheory. It's simply brilliant and I have not laughed so hard for a long time. It is extremely clever. Here is a link to a typical Sheldon... Bazinga...


  1. As each new day is dawning
    We wait in hope because
    Some time in the morning
    There could be a blog from Oz.

    With family pics and birds galore
    And parcel shelves from Tish
    With bated breath we wait for more -
    You always grant our wish!

    (Sorry - the muse hit me!!)
    Have you got your car yet?

  2. what - you only just found the Big Bang Theory?????

    have you seen the one with Sheldon in the Ball Pit yet..... just thinking about it makes me giggle helplessly!

    fingers xxxd for car joy - just got mine back from the garage after 4 weeks, but it's fixed!!!!


    1. I know we are a bit slow at times - has it been on cable / satelite in the UK?
      Only decent thing on normal TV in Oz - and its on several times a night, which is odd as they are out of order but good value.
      Sheldon and ball pit is very classy also like the "penny, penny, penny, penny, penny etc"
      Have bought series 1&2 for Tish's birthday!

    2. wait til the kids want the Soft Kitty song....

    3. Between us am sure Tish and I can sing it as badly as Penny!!

  3. (I do realise that "parcel shelf" is a synonym for car!! But where is it??)

  4. for info - remember the airplane needing ID? my plane-spotter ex says Airbus A360, not run by RAAF but could be on lease which accounts for no livery. Photos look good....

