Thursday 10 May 2012

A bear of very little brain....

I am knackered after yet another mad day at work trying to pack my brain with yet more information. The space is limited there. I have a few more days at work over the weekend and then I have another four days off. I intend ot finalise the purchase of my car next week so keep posted. The bike has been good to me but I am ready to give up my biker chick days as the whine of the little two stroke engine in my ears is very annoying and there is a dog I pass on my way to work and he finds it very annoying too. No matter how many times I pass him he still scares me whitless when he barks at me and he is BIG and I'm sure if he could run along the fence line beyond his garden chasing me - he would eventually catch me up! The grounds of the hospital are surrounded by lovely mangrove trees and today from the window preparing for theatre I saw a lovely Red Tailed Black Cockatoo. They are very impressive when they  fly as their tails flash this lovely bright red colour. Also our friend in our air conditioning is still there! So between the birds, lizards and dogs the wildlife is getting intersting either passing it, living with it or watching it from the window.

1 comment:

  1. What sort of car is it, Tish? You'll feel much safer in it when dogs bark at you!!
