Thursday 17 May 2012


A quiet day on the whole - although Cameron and I took Tish out to Knuckey to the side that she had not visited before.
I think there will be competition for the digiscoping set up.....

It was another glorious day at Knuckey - slightly cooler which is always a bonus.

Here are a selection of the good shots from today...

From the top Rufous Banded Honeyeater, Intermediate Egret (Tish took a sequel of this bird eating insects and in this one it is just swallowing its prey - we still have not mastered the delay between pressing the shutter and getting the picture) and Comb-crested Jacana.

Followed by possibly the worst photo I have taken.

This Tawny Grassbird was at the front when I pressed the shutter!

But I did get these two shots that have to be the best I have ever taken.

Although Tish not on shift today she never stops learning and this evenings "homework" is an on line programme designed to help users interpret CTGs - for the UK midwives before you all shout shes done the K2, yes she has but no this isn't!!! That would make like far too simple if it was the same!


  1. Fabulous pics - stunning bird!

  2. The spiky beak (you didn't say what it is) is pretty good but for sheer quality give me the grassbird shot every time. I shall like to visit Knuckey as well please I think. Roll on end of September...!

  3. I guess the blog title gave us a clue
