Sunday 31 March 2013

Easter Croc..

Happy Easter - hope the weather is not too horrible with you!
We had a slightly early Easter this year, we had friends round on Saturday with their children so we had our Easter Egg hunt then. We gave each child a bucket and they had to search for their particular coloured egg - otherwise certain older children snaffle all the eggs! We did the hunt inside so the eggs didn't melt and despite the fact that the eggs were only hidden about 30 mins before the hunt we still missed a couple which we found this morning!
On Easter day its self we went next door in the morning as Alan suggested that today might be a good day to go Croc hunting as it was cooler over night and it would probably be out sunning itself. He was absolutely correct and we got distant views of a 2m croc on the far bank
Wheres Croccy....
Here he is...
Not very good pictures at all so we will be returning one morning and probably Monday night!

As is always the way when we are next door other subjects appear and today was no exception.
Tish got some stunning photos of the male Olive Backed Sunbird

We had slightly less luck with the Cairns Birdwing

To carry on the theme from the last blog we found this little visitor when we were tidying up last night..


  1. How beautiful the sunbird is. So's the plant its on!

  2. one croc...check!
    three kids...... check? er, right?

  3. Kids? You mean he has some?
    Love the pic of the sunbird in the red leafy stuff - the colours are fantastic, that's one I'd be blowing up to print out.

  4. with regard to supposed pic of croc, really good that your powers of creativity & imagination remain so strong. all I can see is mud.
    there haven't been any pics of the kids for some time - should we be worrying?
