Tuesday 26 March 2013

Double-Eyed Fig Parrot

This morning before Tish's late shift we went into town so Tish could visit a friend who is currently in Hospital with back issues. I used the time to walk along the Esplanade to see if I could finally get a decent picture of a Mangrove Robin.
It was not to be I got my typical shot of this species..
it is sitting on one of the aerial roots..
...after about 30 mins of waiting for it to come closer all that was happening was the flies were starting to get interested in me so I moved off.
I then came across a small group of Fig Parrots and thought I would try my luck. These beauties are the size of House Sparrows, I see them almost daily at home and have managed a couple of reasonable shots but none that i was completely happy with.
Initially I thought that my luck was out as they seemed quite jumpy and the best I could do was this distant shot
They seemed to be not too unsettled so I managed to creep a bit closer
before they flew off! As I could still hear them calling I thought I would get closer to the tree they had been using and see if they would come to me.
A good plan as it turned out...
...as one of the birds came back straight away and seemed as interested in me as I was in it!

When I started to move off it went to the top of the stump and watched me go
They really are great little birds!
Some time this afternoon I am going to go for a walk with the kids to see if we can find the local croc - there is a 5 foot one in the series of pools along the edge of the Golf Course at the end of the road so we shall go and see if we can find it!


  1. Gorgeous birds. We hope that you find the croc and that the croc doesn't find you first!! Be polite to him - you need to keep on the right side.

  2. kids as croc bait again?? good luck!

    those parrots are lovely little chaps!
