Friday 15 March 2013

Tittle Tattler

Where ever in the world you go birding there are always pairs of species that are exceedingly difficult to separate. In Australia one of these pairs that interest me most are the tattler, these are two rather drab looking waders species Wandering and Grey-tailed. So today I went on a very small twitch to the southern most of the Northern Beaches - Machans Beach. I went at hightide to try and find a Wandering Tattler. The Grey-tailed Tattler is moderately widespread along muddy shores, indeed I have seen several along Cairns Esplanade since we have been here.
They are moderately approachable at high tide and I have had a few opportunities to get a couple of decent pictures
Very occasionally a Wandering Tattler appears on the east coast. I have seen a couple of Wandering when we went out to the Great Barrier Reef for my birthday. The views were distant and quite brief so I was very keen to take the opportunity to get better views at Machans beach this morning.
I manage to get a couple of semi decent shots

Unfortunately as I discovered when I got home the key separation feature is not in the slightest bit visible - namely the nasal groove. On Wandering it extends further down the bill than in Grey-tailed, a perfect reason to try again next week!


  1. Great pics. You'll have to wander some more!

  2. The similarity wasn't just my imagination then, what a relief!
