Friday 8 March 2013

Whats in a name...

....well quite a lot really!
Tish was catching up with the weeks events when Xanthe started to talk about Wednesday nights tea (see we have such gripping lives over here),  as I knew what was coming I got on with cooking tonight's offering.
Wednesday tea was a nice sausage casserole which everyone enjoys. I always add a touch of Tabasco to mine as I like a bit of spice but know that the children don't. On Wednesday they all decided that they really would like to try some as they felt it could not be too bad, so I put a drop on the edge of my bowl and they each touched it with their little fingers and at the same time licked it off! The reaction was spectacular as you can imagine!
Tish's reaction on hearing about this was to say the least unexpected and I felt more than a little on the over protective side and I was just about to ask what the problem was when I found out....
Rather than mention that I had let the try Tabasco Xanthe had insisted that I had let them try tobacco!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! I expect Tish was horrified. I bet you both had a good laugh.
