Friday 8 March 2013

Chow time.....

Apologies for the lack of any recent blog posts. The last few days have been typical days in the life of the Funnells! Tish has worked the last six days straight but is now off for three days, we are having a PJ day watching TV via the laptop and reading. Not sure what we are going to do this weekend but a trip up to the Tablelands may be calling.
For the last week we have let the children walk to school on their own, I go and collect them at the end of the day but they walk in themselves - the sole road that they have to cross is ably marshalled by Barry our local School Crossing Supervisor . They are really enjoying the independence. 
I had a very enjoyable couple of hours along Black Mountain Road yesterday and improved slightly on a few of my forest bird pixs!
One of my favourite forest birds has to be the Yellow-breasted Boatbill. These small and very bright birds are constantly on the move making getting a decent picture virtually impossible. When I do find them this is often my normal view
but this time I was luckier and managed a few slightly better pictures

still not brilliant but probably the best I will get until we get a better lens.
I also managed to get one of the traditional spot the birdie type pictures..
There is a female Chowchilla in the pictures above - clue it has bold white eye rings...
I thought that in true "me" style that would end up being the best shot I got especially when it flew across the road
before vanishing into the forest the other side.
It did however keep calling so I decided to hang around and managed to get a couple of more shots
this being the best of them, at least you can see it is a bird.


  1. I think I found the boatbill. Look for the banana in the trees folk. Good job the winged chow has white eye rings.
