Tuesday 2 April 2013

Night things...

We have had another couple of busy evenings - I put the moth trap out again a couple of nights ago and last night we went for a walk over the golf course to see what we could see...
The moth trap was not as successful as last time but the moon is now full and it was completely cloudless. That said there was still plenty of interest to see.
A selection of a fewer of the better shots

One of the reasons for the fewer moths could have been the increase in number of toadlets hanging around.
Most were baby cane toads but there were a couple of sand toads as well

Yesterday Alan and Jen came round for a BBQ after which we went lamping on the golf course to see if we could re find the croc. We managed to see its eyes briefly before it sank out of sight not to be found again!
As per normal one of the commonest beasts out and about were the Cane Toads
These introduced pests are everywhere and are having a devastating effect on native species. A couple of weeks ago they had the National Cane Toad night when volunteers went out and collect them  so they could be humanly destroyed and turned into fertiliser - one individual alone took over 250 off the golf course. This time round we did see a native frog as well

We also collected several coconuts
which we are going to open today.

There have been a couple of sarccy comments regarding the children and lack of pictures!
Well they are all fine, I did propose that we should dangle the boys in the ponds to attract Mr Croccy closer and give me a few photo opps but this idea was very selfishly declined by vurtually everyone (neither Tish, Jen, Hamish or Cameron were in favour although Xanthe was interested by the proposal)
Anyway to rectify this a few children shots....


  1. Hamish is beginning to look very long in the legs.
    Like the toad with the stripe down its back, and the green one is very cute.
    Xanthe is showing a spirit of adventure that makes me proud of her - I would have been prepared to try the same with you. (Possibly still would....)

  2. I agree with Jo. Lovely pics!

  3. Do coconuts grow where you are? Didn't know that!
