Wednesday 3 April 2013


We took our selection of coconuts round to Alans on Tuesday morning for the master class in opening them
After which I had a go...

Then Tish...

The effort was not always worth it as the first one was rather wet inside..
and be thankful that we can not post smells!
They should look like this
I would like to say that the end result was worth the effort but it is safe to say that none of our three are fans of the milk and only Cameron tucked into the flesh


  1. I used to think there was nothing better than the milk and flesh in Hong Kong. They opened them with giant machetes, which was much more fun, and I only ever ate the really young ones - they'd sell them so you just needed to use your kitchen cleaver to get the top bit off then off you go with long handled spoon and straw, straight from the coconut. Yum.

  2. I suspect the milk is nicer in curries than drunk straight. Ages since I've had fresh coconut ...
    Good to see all the children looking healthy, after earlier concerns.

  3. I love the milk in curries but not so keen otherwise. What on earth was the tool Alan used to open it. Did it have a large point on it or something?
