Thursday 25 April 2013

Anzac Day

Today is a Public Holiday as it is Anzac Day, commemorating the Gallipoli landings and all Australian and New Zealand service men who have died for their country.
As all the schools are closed for the day Yorkeys Knob School held their service yesterday which I was able to attend.

The picture were taken with my phone and the quality is not the greatest.
Yesterday was also the childrens Cross Country - a far cry from the horrible weather I remember doing it in, that said I was not too impressed that it was being held just after midday when the temperature was the hottest (over 30 degrees). Long distance running is never a popular choice in our household but they all competed and what more can you ask.
When they were back home and Tish had emerged Xanthe got to play "make-up the zombie" - note these were TISH'S words NOT mine....
Tish then showed Xanthe how to do it:

During the morning the children went down to the play park whilst I did a few things around the house.
As it was a holiday there were several other children around the park so when I went and joined them I was not able to take many pictures - well just this one

1 comment:

  1. Don't think running long distance in that heat is very good - in fact, potty!
