Saturday 20 April 2013

Its the weekend....

The first week of the new term is over and we have three tired and grumpyish kids so a quiet weekend at home is the order of the day. In addition to the normal school routine Hamish went to Scouts this Thursday and had a great time - no Scouts next week as Thursday is Anzac Day and therefore a Public Holiday.
Anyway back to today...
Tish was delivering an Antenatal class this morning and the rest of us decided to stay at home and get on with domestic chores / play depending upon your age!
In between hanging up the washing and other equally gripping activities we also took back the plants we had been looking after for Alan and Jen whilst they were away (contrary to popular belief I must have slightly green fingers as not only did everything survive but they were impressed at how much they had grown!).
Hidden away in Alans shed was his old fishing trolly which he no longer used and thought the children would enjoy, he was right..

At one stage they had an interested audience...
this sunbird is still checking out our windchime.
Once Tish was back she had some preparations to do for next weeks class so we were all out side

I did some weeding around the herb garden
we have basil, garlic chives, lemon grass, ginger and tumeric all growing nicely as well as
some hot Birdseye Chillis - in fact chilli is on the menu tomorrow so we shall see what they are like.
Our fruit selection is growing nicely and we have several sourpus fruits that are almost ready to go
Its 6pm now so am off to cook pizza


  1. I just have rosemary, but it's a big enough bush for cooking a whole flock of sheep. Tried chillis once but never got anything but leaves. Looks like lots of nice red spots on yours.

  2. Presumably sourpus fruit tastes of bad-tempered cat. I've been looking after the chickens - no casualties yet (so doing better than some people); but we have had births instead. The white doves who believe they belong in our stable have successfully hatched two, which are doing nicely.

  3. We don't have audiences like that here!

  4. glad Hamish enjoyed Scouts
