Sunday 16 December 2012

Up the Mountain...again

Todays little quiz - when is a dragon not a dragon......

Tish was on an early today so decided to take her into work so we could have the car and then pick her up and go for a swim in the lagoon along the esplanade. I took a picnic breakfast with us so we could go straight out before it got too hot. We headed off up Black Mountain Road as this area has all the local specialities and you can walk along the road.
We came close to finally getting Cassowary (we heard a male calling and on the drive back down found some still wet droppings that weren't there when we went up) but we will have to try again!
despite getting there early the road was very busy, far more so than on a Saturday, with lots of trails bikes going up it.
Despite the traffic there was still plenty to see and having gone out with a local birder earlier in the week some of the calls are now starting to make sense. We walked up the road this time which made it all easier, the only slight frustration was that I could hear Noisy Pitta but could not find it!
A couple of my better efforts.

Spotted Catbird - they really do make a noise like a mewing cat.

Little Bronze-Cuckoo

A bit beyond where we normally walk the forest changes from wet to dry and looked to Xanthe at least, a bit like Scotland with the pines
.....although about 20 degrees warmer!

I also managed to get another of my classic photos offering the great opportunity to play spot the butterfly!
This Cairns Birdwing... in this picture....
.................................................can you find it?

Answer to todays question:
When is a dragon not a dragon....when it's a lion!
Yesterday morning we watched this little beast fluttering outside the lounge window
in flight it looks remarkably like a damselfly / dragonfly but the antennae give it away and it is in fact an adult antlion


  1. It does look a bit Scottish Xanthe. And that is a really awesome butterfly.

  2. I don't think we're very good at finding these things! And yes, definitely like Scotland

  3. Like the cat bird, but preferred the frog bird. Very like Scotland (only 20 degrees difference?) I think I must start posting pictures of butterflies; they are very plentiful here at the moment.

  4. have to admit defeat on finding the butterfly!

    reminds me of Glen Tanar....

    and 15,028 pinkfeet on WeBS this morning. yesterday was really wild - Rattray has changed a lot! - Boddam harbour wall has half collapsed, the lagoon was more like the loch and you could see huge breaking waves from the Corse road!
