Thursday 13 December 2012

Garden Birds

From a birders point of view a new house means a new list - so far our house list here is on 45 just one shy of the 46 I had in Wulagi. Not bad for the first six weeks.
Some of the birds are the same - Magpie Lark and Bush Thick-Knee for example and there are some big gaps - Black Kite was the most common species in Darwin but here I have only seen one in the wider area and none at all in Yorkeys. I can regularly get five species of parrot - Double-Eyed Fig Parrot, Red-Tailed Black and Sulphur Crested Cockatoo, Scaly Breasted and Rainbow Lorikeets.
I have already posted a couple of shots of the Kookaburra we get and today I got some cracking shots of Rainbow Lorikeets


  1. What fabulous birds! Lucky you!

  2. fantastic pattern under the tails. we only get green ones here, but they are very noisy.
