Thursday 27 December 2012

Butchering Butcherbirds

Our local pair of Butcherbirds have recently fledged at least one chick. This has meant that there has been lots of activity in the garden.
It started this morning with the adult catching and devouring an adult Australian Figbird - unfortunately I did not have the camera out, an error I soon rectified.
I then spent a fair bit of time trying to catch some "in flight shots".
Not completely successfully unfortunately.
Here is the adult sitting in the trees eying up its next meal
The best in flights I managed

I also just missed a group of three of these guys..
Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo


  1. Sorry to see the butcher bird is living up to its name!

  2. spectacular bird - should be more chances to catch pics of 'action'!! good to see Santa found you all, and you had a great holiday season - quiet here but nice, despite grey and general soggyness.
    Mum sends best wishes too!

  3. Nice red tailed wotsit shots
