Wednesday 19 December 2012

Midweek update - Robin hunt

Realised that had not posted an update for a few days.
This is the first week of the summer holidays - the children are off until end of January when Cameron joins them at school which will be grand  for both him and us as he is more than ready for school!
Tish was working nights on Monday and Tuesday - her last nights until January which is great.
We went out for a bit of an explore on the northern end of the Tablelands yesterday and boy was it hot - Mareeba which was close to where we went got up to 37.5 degree. We went to explore Lake Mitchell and Big Mitchell Creek on a look for Robins - well it is Christmas after all.
On Lake Mitchell itself the birds were very distant and the heat haze was enormous - there is apparently a causeway that you can walk along on one edge but I did not manage to find it!
The highlight there was a group of Black Swans but with the haze I got no pictures at all!
We then moved onto the Robin hunt but unfortunately due to the absolutely deafening cicadas I had no luck - heard a very brief burst of song but could not locate the culprit in the dense bush.
So after a picnic under the shade of a big tree
we headed home.

The rest of the week will be quite quiet I think but on Saturday Tish is on an early so we will take her in and continue our Cassowary hunt along Black Mountain Road.

Tonight we have some fresh fish caught locally by Alan from next door - no idea what it is but it looks nice!


  1. Fish - yeurgh! Though having said that I've just got a homemade smoked salmon tart out of the freezer for tonight!

  2. Sorry you didn't find the robins. They should be sitting looking at you as it's Christmas!!
