Thursday 7 February 2013

Xanthe's Birthday

Hard though it is to believe Xanthe turned eleven yesterday - it seems like yesterday that we were bringing her home from Basildon Hospital.
The pictures are not up to our usual standard as they were taken with my phone. We waited for Tish to come back from night shift before we let her loose on her pressies...

After picking them up from school we all went for a swim in the lagoon prior to tea - Xanthes choice, pizza and chips.
This year I did not get her a traditional birthday cake as we could not find a decent one, instead I bought some luxury Chocolate Mud Muffins which had the added bonus of the proceeds going to a charity supporting abused children.
The light next to her cake is a tea light - I did not buy candles as we had two sets which I found last week, and promptly put somewhere safe which I could not find!!!

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