Thursday 7 February 2013

Double-eyed fig Parrot....and the answer to yesterdays quiz

After yesterdays really bad picture thought I would post some slightly better shots of one of my favourite garden birds.
These beautiful members of the parrot family are the same size as a Robin. They are great little characters, always very busy and noisy. There were three hanging around as I was putting out the washing and luckily they hung around for me to get these reasonable shots although the school run got in the way of me being able to take a truly cracking photo but there is always next time.

Now the answer to yesterdays little quiz.
The bird in the photo is an Eastern Whipbird. It was originally on the fallen tree, but as I was adjusting the ISO as walking along the forest edge you get a mixture of bright and dark conditions it flew further into the forest before I could get a decent shot.
In both the pictures below I have highlighted the bird in red
and for the non believers a zoomed in detail picture I said as "clear" as mud.
These birds are quite common in the rainforest, they are extremely vocal but very skulking and yesterday I managed to see three individuals very well but still have not managed a decent picture.


  1. We didn't realise that parrots could be so small!

  2. Good grief.
    If they are double eyed parrots, does that mean that they have 4 eyes? Or double vision?
