Wednesday 6 February 2013

Spot the birdie

A proper update with todays main event will follow later but could not resist another in my series of bad pictures.
So here we go - prize for the first person who can find the bird and a bonus point for anyone who can ID it!
and yes the whole bird is "clearly" visible.......


  1. I give you full marks for the word "bad" and for putting "clearly" in quotes. There are some yellow blobs on the tree trunk, so maybe one of those. But unless you upload it in a higher resolution they will remain blobs even when zoomed in close.
    A very happy birthday to my favourite niece. xxxx

  2. Of course we can see it! It's the Never Spotted Little Notwot!

  3. on the grounds that i can't see a thing, i'm saying frogmouth or some sort of nightjar-y thing!!

    or, of course, snipe. which - as we know, if you can see one, there are at least four - means more than five!
