Tuesday 5 February 2013

First week of school is over

I realised this evening that I have not updated the blog for a few days so thought I had better correct that situation.
We are now firmly back into the school routine now, and the novelty has already worn off I think!
The weekend just gone was a very quiet one as everyone was shattered and both the boys had colds and did not really feel like doing anything. This coming weekend will be a bit busier as for Xanthe's birthday she is going rollerblading with a couple of her friends - hopefully we will get through it without incident.
The summer heat has not let up nor has there been any significant rain since ex TC Oswald moved through. Hopefully we will get more rain before the summer is out - I was talking to a birder this morning who said it was the hottest and driest summer he could remember up here so we shall have to just wait and see what happens.
Xanthe and Alan have been making her an art box which was finished yesterday and Xanthe decorated it this afternoon...

tomorrow is Xanthes birthday so I will post some pixs then!


  1. The art box is very beautiful! Alan is a good friend, isn't he

  2. excellent box. Happy BIrthday Xanthe! xx

  3. Excellent work there, she definitely takes after her Auntie Jo rather than Daddy when it comes to creative work! (Except of course I can't draw to save my life.)
