Tuesday 30 October 2012

Tyto Wetlands

Today we woke up to this..

..not seen clouds like this for ages, it didn't amount to much more than a couple of spots of rain though.
We decided we would explore a bit and headed north to the Tyto Wetlands near Ingham.
This is a man made area of approx 90 hectares that has been improved and now is a cracking little area.
With the mountains providing a great back drop

The children found "dandelion" clocks

and had a great time blowing them around

Cameron was with us as well but for some reason we missed taking his picture!
I found something else to do...
...no surprise there then!
Being spring here everything is starting to breed etc.
Some things such as these Crimson Finch were in the process of nest building

and others were sitting on impossibly small nests such as this Willie Wagtail
Not sure what we will do tomorrow but we may well go and "Hug a Koala"


  1. Makes a change to see some hills! The koalas should make nice pics!

  2. Have a hug for us! (Lunching in British Museum, just shown Sarah the photos online of new house!)
