Friday 12 October 2012

All termites great and small...

We spent the day at Litchfield National Park today to show Jo the famous termite mounds and Lost City and go for a splash in Wangi Falls if the water was warm enough.
Our first stop of the day was the Cathedral Termite mounds. These are very large and extremely old mounds close to the main park road.
When we last visited back in April we had the place to ourselves and could take our time getting photos etc, this time it was crowded with more tours turning up so it was far more of a case of grabbing your picture before the next coach load arrived.
As we had to wait for our turn at the big mounds we went round the short boardwalk first.
This really showed the range of shapes and sizes the mounds coming in.
this was a real tiddler, several decades to go before it gets full sized!
The boardwalk looked across a grassy area that was crowded with mounds

These mounds are very thin and flat and are orientated so the flat faces are north and southward facing to maximize exposure to the sun.
We were able to grab these pictures in front of the largest of the mounds at Litchfield

From there we went on to the Lost City. This is a collection of stone outcrops that have weathered into shapes very reminiscent of an abandoned city.
It is a great place to play hide and seek - although some of us are better at it than others...

After lunch it was time for group photos, although some were less impressed with the process than others..
The end results though were very good

From there it was off to Wangi Falls.
The water was much warmer than our last visit and we all had a dip, although Hamish and I spent less time in the water as we wanted to make sure the cameras were safe as the area was very busy.

 Aunty Jo then paired up with Xanthe and Tish took Cameron and they headed off into the blue.
Xanthe decided she did not want to go too far but Cameron on the other hand was very game...

They didn't quite make it but as they say "the boy done good"

After that we headed home via the back route that has become horrendously corrugated so was not such a pleasant drive.
There was one brief stop on the way for my "prisoner profile picture"...


  1. In all fairness it ought to be said that it was Auntie Jo who chickened out, not Xanthe. I made it out fine on my own, but Xanthe was hanging on to one shoulder by halfway and as she doesn't have arm bands to keep her afloat like Cameron has I was little nervous that I might not be able to tow her all the way back. Somehow I didn't think "she got tired, I left her sort of out there somewhere several feet under" would win me Auntie Of The Year award.

  2. Comment above unclear perhaps......
    I made it all the way to the fall first time unencumbered.
    Second time out had small limpet on one shoulder.

  3. Glad you saw it the first time without the tourists! An amazing place

  4. I like D's mug shots - date for Crimewatch?
