Sunday 12 August 2012

Windy days

It was incredibly windy again today which kept the temperature right down. From my point of view the winds were from the wrong direction - that is broadly from the south east where as a nice northerly wind would start to blow some of the spring migrants in.
We went onto the beach for a run around and to draw some graffiti...

Thewind was so strong that Xanthe complained of getting sand blasted legs and we almost lost the childrens shoes, we didn't even try to keep the hats on!


  1. Xanthe may well end up being a cartoonist! What huge expanses of sand.

  2. All that wind must have made you feel very at home!

  3. looks and sounds just like Camber... but without the crowds.

    1. and about 30 degrees warmer. The beaches here are all like this miles and miles of sand with virtually no-one on them.
