Wednesday 15 August 2012


Nasty surprise in the post today - my first ever speeding ticket, caught doing 89km in 80km zone. Not too bad I suppose first ticket in 20+ years driving in six countries acrosss two continents, will pay it over the phone tomorrow!
Other than that a quiet day today with the smallest member of the clan, at his request we went for a walk on the beach and a quick trip to Knuckey before coming back home to catch up on a few phone calls etc. The major issue at the moment is that the pool is out of action there are four leaks in it and the pump system is making soe very odd noises so we have let the landlord know and we are waiting developments - better get fixed soon as the weather is starting to hot up a bit. That said we had the coldest August night ever two nights ago when temperatures droped to 13.1oC and it really did feel cold I can tell you!
Tish is out at waterpolo tonight - she wants to start something outside of work and does not like cycling so has decided to give it a try; as the organiser told her she is at an advantage over some of them in that she can swim well (just finds laps boring). It will be interesting to see if she can stand in the morning!
I am out on my bike tomorrow as Cameron is in school all day for the school photos so I shall go off roading on the bike in Leanyer swamp and see what I can find (may be a struggle taking the tripod though!).

Xanthe continues to leave little art pieces around the house, having recently won a small competition at school for mini beasts chalk art.
This was the offering on our bed last night - shame she cant spell her own name!!!


  1. Shame about the speeding ticket! That'll larn you! You'll obviously have to be careful. Love the art. Apart from her spelling she's a very clever girl! Water polo sounds fun.

  2. Bad boy! Good rabbit! You have 44 days to get it fixed......

  3. water polo? blimey, that's a tough sport!!good luck, Tish!

    that's an excellent rabbit, Xanthe!

    speeding ticket - ouch. obvioiusly less 'room for error'there than here....

    wish we had 13o here... clammy and haar-y... blah!
