Tuesday 24 July 2012

Wheres the froggy?!

As part of the occasional series of spot the... [birdie / wallaroo] pictures here is one from today.
I went out this morning with a local birder whohas come up to Darwin every dry season for the last ten years to visit his daughter and son in law. We went to a site that I had not visited before looking for specialist mangrove species and had a very rewarding morning. On the way back home we stopped off to check out a couple of sites for Australian Owlet-Nightjar and Tawny Frogmouth. Botth of these are nocturnal species that can sometimes be seen during the day as they can roost in quite open sites. We had no joy with the Owlet-Nightjar and it may have moved on as the tree has been recently burnt. We were more successful with the Frogmouth though..

....there are two in this photo can you see them both?

They are very obliging birds and allow you to get some very close views, the children were very impressed!

They are really cool birds!


  1. Saw one easily - still looking for the other. Silly us! What amazing birds.

    1. They are both within about a foot of each other so if you have found one look either just below or just above depening upon which one you have found, I suspect you need to look just below the next horizontal branch nd you should see it!

  2. I spotted them both before looking at the larger shots. Yay! They look something out of Dr.Seuss - they'd go very well with the Cat in the Hat with those mouths. In the next to last shot he's really giving you the evil eye.

  3. I have the first photo of them as my background on my phone and the second as the backgrouns on the laptop!
    I think she was distracted by something Cameron was doing and was just checking him out!
