Sunday 9 September 2012

Tournament of Minds

Today was Xanthes Tournament of Minds competition. This was the regional finals the winners of which then go on to compete in the Australia - Pacific Grand Final in Perth.
When we heard that she had been selected we had not really realised just how large this whole competition was.
They were entered into the Language and Literature section. They had been given six weeks to write and prepare a short modern morality play encompassing bits of Shakespeare, Dickens, Dahl and The Beatles.
They then had to perform this in front of the panel of judges and then later being given another puzzle and two minutes to think up a solution before presenting that to the panel. They were scored on all aspects of the day including how they interacted with the other teams as well as how well they completed the challenges.
Us parents were only allowed to watch the prepared challenge before being booted out to come and collect the team later,
We were not meant to take pictures during the performance but got this one as they were given their initial feedback.
It was only when we came back for the results presentation that you could see how big the event was
Xanthe and the team are somewhere in there!
Unfortunately they did not win but they all had a great time which was the main thing.