Tuesday 4 September 2012

Fathers Day and Wedding Anniversary

Apologies for no updates over the weekend but it was a bit hectic. Tish was on nights so we were not able to do too much - she has worked the last ten weekends in a row and is working the next two as well, very frustrating for her and doubly annoying when you realise that it is done on a self rostering system so there is an element that she has done it too herself!!
On Sunday it was both Fathers Day and our twelfth Wedding Anniversary I took the children out during the morning to give Tish a chance to sleep.
It was a very low tide so we took the footie ball onto the beach - as always I took my bins but did not bother with the camera so I could kick the ball around, BIG mistake. It was the lowest tide we have seen at Lee Point with many sets of hither too submerged rocks visible for the first time. We all took our shoes off and went for a paddle when we had reached the tide line. From the bird point of view it was surprisingly productive with plenty of waders feeding on the rock reefs that were just off shore. As is usual the ball was quickly forgotten about (don't know why we take it most times as it is just something to carry back) as the wonders of shallow tidal pools was waiting to be discovered, there were sea cucumbers, loads of small to medium size fish and a huge variety of crabs. As is my wont whilst the youngest three were looking downwards I was looking up and out to sea. I had been hoping to see the brown boobies, a species of gannet that occurs here from late August onwards, and was rewarded with distant views of two. I went to join the children when I saw something stick its head out of the water close to where the children were playing, given where we are my immediate reaction was to get the children out of the pool and on the beach double quick. That done I was able to have a better look at this head appearing regularly about 80m away and on a second look it gave away its identity when a flipper appeared out of the water as well - it was a Flat-shelled Sea Turtle! It stuck its head out several times but the children all lost interest between each appearance and kept missing it.
On the walk back we found what has to be the biggest shell I have ever picked up..
....that is Tish's trainer next to it!

We woke Tish up mid afternoon and had a BBQ outside to celebrate our anniversary - lamb steaks and salad!
On Monday Tish and I went down to the Waterfront and spent the morning watching the world go by and having Brunch out.
A great way to finish the weekend off!


  1. Happy Anniversary!

    you lucky thing to see the turtle! nowam green with envy!

  2. Yep, Happy Anniversary! Sounds like another place to add to my to-do list
