Saturday 8 September 2012

Hanging out the washing the new house classification method

I am thinking of developing a new method of classifying houses that all estate / realtors should use. At the moment it is done on very mundane [but I am told important] features such as number of bedrooms and bathrooms or the presence or otherwise of a pool. To my mind the far more important feature is the length of time it takes to hang out the washing - the higher the score the better rating the house should get.
Let me explain .....

When we were living in Tilbury the house would have a low score [and yes I know that I did not hang the washing out all that often there]; Scotland would have had quite a high score and Darwin would have an even higher score.
This score would be a function of certain key factors - temperature and distractions!
The temperature is self evident - if its brass monkeys weather you rush to put the washing out [often more in hope than anything else] and then get back into the warmth - obviously Scotland scored very low here as it was regularly exceedingly cold and rarely warm; Tilbury scored reasonably well here as it had good summers and the winters were not as cold so on the whole a better score; Darwin obviously scores very well as it is always hot when I hang the washing out.
The distraction factor  is the more important one and unsurprisingly relates to over flying wildlife. The greater the variety the more distractions the higher the score.
Tilbury scored very low as aside from the odd flying rat [feral pigeon] and sea gull there was little else to take your mind of the routine activity; Scotland was a different story especially during the spring and autumn when there were distractions aplenty - at times they were more than enough to off set the temperature issue. Darwin though is amazing - I am sure after a while it will get boring hanging out the washing watching Rainbow Lorikeets, Black Kites, Galahs and Figbirds but it hasn't yet - this combined with the temperature obviously give here a very high score.
When I have worked out the exact details of the scoring system I shall pass it on to our estate agent in the hopes that it will be adopted and thus aid future birders who are relocating!!

Despite the ramblings above it has been a busy day today with Xanthe going to a birthday party to play laser tag, shopping, washing [and associated activity as outlined above] and preparation for Xanthes Tournament of Minds event  tomorrow - more of that next time.


  1. Obviously you've always been in the wrong job. Youy should have been an estate agent!

  2. How do you rate it though when there is so much low flying wildlife that you can't actually hang the washing out because when you took it back in it would be dirtier than before it went into the washing machine? That's here!! (Hooray for tumble dryers I say.)
