Friday, 20 December 2013

The truth about Tadpoles...

It has been a busy few days.
Tish, Mum and the children went out to Port Douglas for the day earlier this week
I stayed behind waiting for HP to call re the laptop - am still waiting....
Yesterday the children and Grandma built a Gingerbread House - although it did not end up looking exactly like the picture on the box...

With every one being off have not had much time to go out and about which is absolutely fine, especially when you can sit on the deck with a glass of wine and watch the Flying Foxes leave their camps every night
Just too dark to get any decent pictures so will have to wait for Jo's visit...

The reason for the title though
went round briefly to Allans this morning whilst doing a couple of other things and was looking at the frogspawn in his new pond (the white mass in the middle of the picture) and on close inspection it was all being eaten by White-lipped Tree Frog tadpoles - did not know they were cannibalistic!


  1. I bet the gingerbread house looked better than on the box. It had that personal touch

  2. We think the house is lovely. What fun!! Naughty tadpoles.
