Monday, 9 December 2013

Hypipamee and Mareeba

Today we headed off early to go to Mount Hypipamee on the Southern Tablelands.
In typical style today when we actualy wanted the children up early they slept...
....over the weekend when they could lie in they were awake and crashing around by 6am!
Whilst we were sorting out the children Mum tried on a rucsac as she didn't want to take her handbag
we found her something a bit more suitable!

Having dropped the children off early we headed up the hills and onto the Tablelands. It was noticeably cooler up there -both Tish and I mentioned the fact that we had goosebumps and needed a jumper.
Hypipamee never fails to impress and although we failed to see Cassowary or Tree Kangaroo (we checked a couple of sites and non were found) it is a beautiful area. We dragged Mum off into the forest to show her the ever faithful Golden Bowerbird, its scary what comes out of the woods these days
From here we went on to Mareeba - this great site shuts during the wet so we wanted to get there before the end of December.
Tish was her normal well behaved self...

although I did manage one sensible shot
One of the main reasons for going to Mareeba is that it is by far the easiest place to find these
this male has two chicks
We also got the compulsory shot of "Visitor with Termite Mound"
Whilst not quite in the same league as those in the NT they are still impressive!


  1. All obviously having a very good time!

  2. I'm hoping I don't bump into anything quite that scary when I visit!
