Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year

Well 2013 dawned with a rain storm rather than a blizzard which was rather nice and considerably warmer!
We didn't do too much - a scooter ride in the morning before a dash home to avoid getting drenched.
We then spent the rest of the day at home relaxing with a BBQ leg of lamb for tea, very nice.
Hamish managed to avoid the camera today so I only have a couple of pictures of Xanthe and Cameron

We wish everyone a Happy New Year.
Lots of love
Tish, Dom, Xanthe, Hamish and Cameron


  1. No blizzard for us either. We did have rain, but not as much as you!!

  2. I thought you were ahead of us, time-wise, but you appear to be a year behind. Most mystifying. Quite mild here - I stood outside last night, in my dressing gown, with my whiskey, trying to get glimpses of neighbours' fireworks - of which there were many.
