Thursday, 26 December 2013

Christmas Part II

Later in the afternoon when the sun was less strong and the UV load had reduced we set up the water slide that the children had been given.
Unfortunately our mains water pressure was not quite equal to the to the task but a great time was had by all

We had our Xmas lunch on the deck again this year - much cooler but a few mossies around so we did move inside as the fans blow the citronella out

The crackers had the normal bits in them

Tish in her finery....


Wednesday, 25 December 2013


Tish was back to work on 23rd with the first of four night shifts which is a bit of a pain - although she is not working Christmas night which is good.
Christmas Eve is Grandma's birthday - but this year we had all gone out for lunch on the 23rd so Tish could sleep on the 24th
Hamish yawned just as we took the picture...
Unfortunately the plan failed and Tish managed just two hours sleep so rather than lie in bed we went for a walk along the beach

After their shower on Christmas Eve the children are always allowed to open one present...

....a set of new PJ's each

before they get everything ready for Santa
carrots, mince pies and juice (cos you mustn't drink and drive EVEN a sleigh)

They were all tucked up in bed and fast asleep before 9pm which isn't bad. This gave Tish enough time to get ready for work
Before I went to bed expecting a short night!
I was not to be disappointed as the first stirrings were at 0225 when Hamish came through and asked if it was time to get up! They held off until about 6ish but then they were allowed to open their stockings.
Tish was met on the drive at 0745 by three very excited children so we let them loose on the rest

Its amazing how quick things are opened and scattered around the house...
After breakfast and a few piccies

Tish got into the act before heading for bed

She got up for lunch before returning to bed for a couple more hours sleep, this time with Cameron..
to say WWIII had broken out between Cameron and his own shadow would not have been much of an exaggeration so he was persuaded that in order to survive until 26th he might have a little rest.
Will post pictures of Xmas tea tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a happy Christmas.
Love to all back in UK hope the weather is not being too unkind.

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Xmas lights and other things

Tish took Mum and the children to see a rather large display of Christmas lights last night..

The display is put on at the Ronald MacDonald House and raises money for sick children. It was certainly very popular!
Summer is well underway and everything is starting to breed....the cicadas are starting to get noisy as are the frog, although some of them are otherwise engaged...
I spent about 30 minutes flat on my stomach yesterday watching this little guy
It is some sort of wasp that digs its burrows into the lawn, well the sandy bits

The Cockies are still around, although it looks like Mum has abandoned the two youngsters, possibly off to have another brood; one of them is very confident but the second is far more jumpy. Hopefully over the coming weeks I will get a few better shots than these

I realised that I have not posted any "Wheres Wally" type pictures for a while so here is an absolute corker
Two questions - what is it and where is it...........