Thursday 1 November 2012

Jumping Pillows

Today is our last full day in Townsville before the last shortish hop of just 400km up to Cairns - where we have a busy day, meeting Xanthe and Hamish's new headmaster and signing the lease on our new house.
We decided not to do too much, so we went back to Townsville Common in the morning before it got too hot.
We managed to get a new sign for Jo's collection..
Tish found plenty of targets for the camera. She is determined to get some cracking dragonfly shots and managed to get this one.
..but she also turned her attention to some of the larger more colourful residents... matter how many times we see them these Rainbow Bee-eaters are stunning.
Xanthe tried her hand at turning herself into a wizard with staff etc...
....but as you will see it did not work very well.
After lunch and a splash in the pool the children went and played on the parks Jumping Pillow - it is amazing how entertaining and inflated piece of tarpaulin can be...

Xanthe did try the swings after a while .... you can see despite the wizard staff from earlier she was not very successful!

NB Xanthe would like me to point out that she is actually very good on the swings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well done, Tish! Lovely pics. What's an elephant sign doing in Australia?

  2. The elephant sign can't be counted - someone has cheated & put a sticker on the back

  3. liked the pic of the wombat earlier - hadn't realised they were so huge. the roos remind me of the piggies - they even hold onto your hand with a paw. you'll have to go back when Cameron is bigger.
