Tuesday 27 August 2013

Sunday fun

On Sunday I went out birding with Pat in the morning and early afternoon before we all met up at Pat and Annelies for tea.
Pat had not seen Golden Bowerbird among other things so he picked me up early and we headed off to the Southern Tablelands. Having been back to the same bower several times over the last few weeks it has been fascinating watching how it has changed. When i first saw it it was completely unadorned but now it has been dressed
Start of the month

The adult visited his bower several times whilst we were there, once to remove something and twice to bring some fresh lichen in
On one occasion he shot off from his song post above the bower and had an argument with a second male Golden Bowerbird - unfortunately I was not able to get any pictures as the argument was out of view.
We also visited an area of dry forest only 20 minutes away as there were several species that Pat had not seen either. I was hoping to get some better pictures than my last trip here but did not really manage it, although my Crested Shrike-Tit is slightly better..
What I wasn't expecting was to get a new species for me in the form of White-cheeked Honeyeater

On the drive back to Pats though we found the highlight of the trip and a species that I have been looking out for, a Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo

The first picture is mine the other two are by Pat

When we got back to Annelies we joined the families at the local stream where the children were trying unsuccessfully to skim stones
On returning to the house the children and Tish played a version of dodgeball

Tish at times was up to her normal tricks...
A great way to end the weekend!


  1. so..dodgeball means Tish has to dodge.....? LOL! love the tree kangaroo.

  2. Nice honeyeater but the kangaroo looks as cute as a wombat
