Friday 31 May 2013

Wot a bunch of wallies..

Yesterday I took the camera along when I took Hamish to Scouts. The current Scout Hall is actually the Polocross Hall as the proper site is in the process of being repaired after vandals and termites and asbestos got in  - more on that over the weekend as there is a Working Bee on Sunday to help finish the clean up.
The fields around the hut are exceedingly popular with an iconic Australian animal -the Agile Wallaby

There were one or two using the field - although the light was very poor as it was dusk and my camera does not have a high enough ISO setting to do them justice.
A couple came closer offering slightly better photo opportunities

The adult was slightly less impressed than the Joey who would I think have hung around for longer but had to push it to catch up with Mum again

There were also big numbers of Ibis flying over to a roost that is about 1 mile away


  1. Like the atmospheric pic of ibises. Does one talk about a herd of wallabies?

  2. Answers on a postcard would be court, mob or troupe. Mob sounds the most appropriate.

  3. I think a "wabble" instead of "rabble" You just have to develop a lisp
