Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Garden things

Obviously a key criteria for any house we move into has to be wildlife potential and so far the new place is looking promising....
Striped Possum feeding in the trees in ours and next doors garden

In addition to the possum we have one my favourite frogs, the White-lipped Tree Frog. They always have a rather smug expression I think...

Although it is mid winter here and the weather has been bad (wind, rain and for the tropics cold night time temperatures) the moth trap has been on a few times and has some nice catches, ranging from the little....
A Stegommata species that was no more than 3-4mm long

to the large
male Donuca castalia

The bird life isn't bad either

Black Butcherbird

Male Double-eyed Fig Parrot

Spangled Drongo


  1. fab frog. Also like the moth. I regularly get 15 species in my garden ...

  2. love the frog!! though i think it's a bit rude to call a bird a drongo!!

  3. I love drongos, favourites of mine in Hong Kong. They gleam in the sun
