Saturday, 14 June 2014

Festival of the Knob

I realise that it has been over a month since my last post but I have to say that there has been little to post about...we have all had various bugs which has meant that between work and school we have done very little!
Today though was the Festival of the Knob - basically a fair at the community centre! Tish was working unfortunately which meant thatI had to tape Xanthe singing in the choir for her...

Both the sound and video quality left a lot to be desired!
The children seemed to enjoy being the SES's "crash test dummies" for their zip line - although Cameron would not go on it as it was too high

When Tish got back from work we all went for a walk on the beach - along with a friends daughter who is here for a sleep over. The clouds over the hills were spectacular
The kids all enjoyed the chance to dig up shells and strike the odd pose

Usually the sand here is flat but today the effects were more interesting
The other highlight for the week was Xanthe getting her "Seniors" shirt at school

Tomorrow Xanthe has regional trials for Softball so watch this space.....

Oh yes the other bit of news  - we are moving, not far this time but unfortunately the owners of our house are  selling up and with our current visa we are not allowed to buy anything other than houses less than 12 months old so we are having to move...BOO HISS!!!


  1. Fantastic videos! Xanthe's seniors shirt is extremely smart. Real shame about the move.

  2. Have already admired most of these on Facebook! Though not the singing. Couldn't even tell for sure which child was Xanthe unfortunately.

  3. Great blog! Videos fantastic, Though I also couldn't make out Xanthe!
