Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Hamish Birthday

It was Hamish's birthday over the weekend. Despite the best on intentions his big present from Mum, Dad, Mollie and Poppet got opened and used before the day itself...although we managed to keep the rest safe...
He has been nagging us for a bigger bike for ages so

a popular choice.
His cake was slightly early - Xanthe has not been eaten she was away at a sleepover honest!

A Tirimaso cake with "lego icing"

On the 11th our proposed lie in was brutally shattered by certain people throwing wrapping paper around the house..

The on going development of the Funnell Band was given further assistance with the kind gift of a guitar

Auntie Jo mistakenly thinks she can dodge the loud and at times painful noises coming from the combined efforts of guitar and drum - she is wrong I will get my revenge when she is over!! All joking aside he loves it and we will sit down and go through the How to Guide that she sent very soon.
Noisy presents from Aunts a long way away was obviously the order of the day with Auntie Sarah deciding that some small balls that make an awful racket would be much appreciated by Mum and Dad - she was wrong and we will be having words!!!
The robotic bubble blower that she sent as well was far more my style and pace


  1. Lovely presents! We thoroughly approve of noisy ones. We're very glad Xanthe didn't get eaten!!

  2. The bike looks fabulous! And a very yummy cake. Thought you'd all like the bubbles, but glad to be able to contribute to the noise & general mayhem too.

  3. Delighted to see I'm not the only Aunt with the correct ideas about what small people like best
