Wednesday 20 June 2012

Schools (nearly) out for winter....

Its the penultimate day at school for Xanthe and Hamish before their much needed winter holidays. They had their school reports yesterday which made great reading. They have both settled in well and are fitting in very well - in Hamish's case he is apparently and I quote "a role model for his classmates". All their teachers say that they are a pleasure to teach. A brilliant effort considering all the adjustments that have been necessary this term.
Cameron broke up yesterday so he and I went out to Knuckey and did a few things around the house.
As it is mid winter here things are relatively quiet on the bird and insect front (very few butterflies or dragonflies on the wing) so a good opportunity to try and get some photos of the resident species.
Have posted the best from the last couple of days:
 Australasian Grebe



Royal Spoonbill

White-Bellied Sea Eagle


  1. My word, the children have done well. Well done them - and you! We hope they have a lovely holiday. Weather here WARM . Uo to 16'!!!

  2. Well done to all nippers I say. Particularly love the spoonbill. It was 15 deg here when I drove HOME in the wee small hours this morning - but has since dropped dramatically again as the rain arrived
