After the first ten days in a rather hot Darwin we relocated to Cairns where we spent four days. We used this time to visit all the local sites and get the common North Queensland birds "out the way" before heading onto the Tablelands and dry country.
One site that we visited several times was the Esplanade as over summering waders were starting to return
Bar-tailed Godwit
Black-fronted Dotterel
Great Knot
Grey-tailed Tattler
Greater Sandplover
Masked Lapwing
Pied Stilt
Red-necked Stint
Red-capped Plover
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
Terek Sandpiper
In addition to the waders there are always a few terns and herons knocking around
Caspian Tern
dark morph Eastern Reef Heron
Gull-billed Tern
Silver Gull
There are always a few surprises as well
Beach Thick-knee occur occasionally and are always great to see
Mangrove Robin appear out of the mangroves at the north of the esplanade
Rufous Owl has been roosting in a large Fig tree at the southern end of the Esplanade for a while now
One of the highlights when based in Cairns is a trip out to Michaelmas Cay for the seabirds
Brown Booby
General shot of the colony
Common or Brown Noddy
Crested Tern
Lesser Frigatebird
Sooty Tern
A few other common Queensland birds
Aus Figbird - male
Australian White Ibis
Bar-shouldered Dove
Darter - male
Dusky Moorhen
Grey Goshawk - this is the male from a local pair that have been nest building in a site I visit regularly
Intermediate Egret
Large-billed Gerygone
Little Egret
Masked Lapwing
Nankeen / Rufous Night Heron
Orange-footed Scrubfowl
Peaceful Dove
Royal Spoonbill
Spangled Drongo
Spotted Dove
Striated Heron
Torresian Crow
Whistling Kite
Willie Wagtail
Fantastic! I think they should have been well pleased.