Wednesday, 22 October 2014

School Art Expo 2014

OK things are out of order as I have not processed or sorted all the pictures but this afternoon was the Anuual Art Expo at school. Unfortunately Tish is on a late - 7 out of 9 shifts in a row - so she could not come.
Camerons pictures

Hamish pictures

Xanthe art

she was one of the waiters handing out snacks hence no picture of her!

There were several combined Year 6/7 works as this is their last year in primary school, well last few weeks in fact as term ends in about eight weeks!

Friday, 17 October 2014

Return to Paronella

On Tuesday we went back to Paronella Park, about 100km south of Cairns. It was a stinking hot day but the ruins of the house are so photogenic we just had to take Jo down there - plus we still have 18 months to go on our free entrance ticket!!
The potential for great family pics is enormous....

Of course there have to be a few wildlife pics as well
Large-billed Gerygone
 Spectacled Flying Fox

After the park we went on to Etty Bay for lunch and the best chance for Jo to see Cassowary...

the beach was great, the lunch very nice, the fresh footprints were interesting but no Cassowary....

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


On Monday afternoon we headed off onto the Tablelands to go lamping and to search for Platypus! Of course in true Funnell style we chose the first day that it has rained in weeks!
Luckily this had no impact on the Platypus as we saw two

I did manage to get some video as well which I will post when I have edited them.

In addition we also found a small group of Brolga displaying
Luckily the weather improved and we had a reasonable lamping season seeing three species of possum - Herbert River Ringtail, Long-tailed Pygmy (only about 10cm long) and Common Brushtail Possum, unfortunately I only managed to get a picture of the Common Brushtail
On Tuesday we went back to Paranella Park so plenty of family pictures to come....

Sunday, 12 October 2014


Xanthe was at a sleep over last night (and at 5.15pm is fast asleep!) and Hamish was at a birthday party this morning so Jo and I called in briefly to Cattana on the way to collect him.
Saw a nice little group of Royal Spoonbill feeding so thought it was the ideal opportunity to try out the video function of my new camera

Pools and things

We have had quite a quiet week this week visitng some of the local sites - the next couple of weeks are going to be a tad more hectic!
Jo and Tish went for their spa day...
and most afternoons have been spent in the pool which has gained a few additions thanks to Auntie Jo

We took Jo up to Kuranda yesterday to wander around the markets and get a few pictures from the viewing platform half way up the Range - unfortunately it was very hazy so the pictures are not that good
Looking towards Cairns  / Yarrabah (the distant mountains)
 Panoramic shot of Yorkeys Knob
 The Knob at Yorkeys

We have as you would expect managed a bit of wildlife photography...
This Lace Monitor looked like it was going to walk right past us but turned off at the last minute!

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Tour Part III

The final section of the gtour was the Atherton Tablelands and Georgetown area.
We stayed at KingfisherPark near Julattem inn the northern Tablelands and in Atherton when in the southern Tablelands. Here are a few of the better shots in no particular order other than alphabetic!
Australian Bustard
 Aus Grebe
 Black-faced Cuckooshrike
 Black Swan
 Blue-winged Kookaburra, we did see several Laughing Kooks as well but for some reason i didn't take any pictures of them!
 Brown Cuckoo- Dove
 Brown Falcon - through the cars windscreen
 Bush Thick-knee
 Chowchilla - an awful picture but the best I have managed so far of this endemic forest skulker
 Eastern Whipbird - another skulker that is almost in focus
 Freckled Duck - Australia's rarest duck that arrived in the Tablelands last March (only four previous records) numbers peaked at 28 and there are still atleast eight in the area
 Green Pygmy Goose
 Grey-headed Robin
 White-eyed Duck
 Lewins Honeyeater
 Little Pied Cormorant
 Little Shrike-thrush
 Macleays Honeyeater
 Noisy Pitta - low light made getting any decent pictures very difficult
 Pale-headed Rosella
 Papuan Frogmouth
 Pheasant Coucal
 Pied Monarch
 Pink-eared Duck
 Sarus Crane
 Scarlet Honeyeater
 Squatter Pigeon - the Queensland equivalent of the Partridge Pigeon we saw in Kakadu
 Wandering Whistling Duck
 White-throated Honeyeater
 White-browed Robin on nest

 Yellow-breasted Boatbill
One of the highlights was a boat trip on the Daintree
Azure Kingfisher

 Great-billed Heron

 Wompoo on nest

In the southern Tablelands probably my favourite endemic is the Golden Bowerbird - but there were also many other goodies
male Golden Bowerbird
The bird of the trip though for me was this Australian Owlet Nightjar

From here we spent the last two days in Georgetown looking for dry country birds
 Aus Magpie
 Banded Honeyeater
 Black-faced Woodswallow
 Brow Quail
 Budgies - always a treat to see this commonly kept cage bird in the wild

 Crested Pigeon
 Diamond Dove
 Double-barred Finch
 Masked Woodswallow
 Red-backed Fairywren
We did also some non birds the undoubted highlights being....
Lumholtzs Tree Kangaroo

and several large Salties on the Daintree