Thursday, 10 April 2014

Breakfast with the Birds and other odds and sods

Well ten days have past since my last posting - note to self MUST do better.
We are now in the first week of the childrens Easter break and it is looking like it is going to be a tad interesting...but more of that later.
So what has been happening here? We have had the normal last week of term madness, I had to make over 2kg of playdough for Cameron
in fact baking was about to take over as Tish in her infinite wisdom had suggested to her work colleagues that they should all come for Tea at Tish's. Twenty plus signed up so I ended up baking the odd scone, cake and making a few sandwiches - never want to bake a scone again!
We took no pictures other than of these unexpected and uninvited party crashers

these Lesser Frigatebirds obviously  liked my cooking!

On Wednesday this week we took the children up to Port Douglas for Breakfast with the Birds.

You have a buffet breakfast inside a huge aviary full of native Australian birds. Here are a selection from the day

Elvis - he is a 35 year old Red-tailed Black Cockatoo

Cameron decided that he did not want him.
There was also a stunning Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo loafing around as well
Also hanging around the breakfast area were these cuties

The kids luv em

There were the ubiquitous crocs as well
Saltwater (he is 4.5m long approx)
The childrens reaction was very interesting, they were uninterested as they said "we see these at the end of the road"
There were also several wallabies waiting for food...

We spent over four hours wandering around, the children were fascinated and the photo ops weren't bad either...
Cattle Egret in breeding plumage


Eclectus Parrot

Gouldian Finch

Pied Heron

White-browed Woodswallow

Yellow Oriole

The next couple of days are going to be interesting as Tropical Cyclone Ita wends her merry way towards us - currently a borderline Cat 4 / Cat 5  they dont get any bigger than that!!!!!
In laymans terms we have a cyclone BIGGER than UK heading our way!!!!!


  1. Love the pied heron. That's gotta be one for the list in October. From the latest weather news - she's not just singing now, she's dancing up and down!

  2. love the frogmouths....lovely set of birds in there!

    hold onto your hats......

  3. Looks a fantastic place. Please steal a frogmouth for me.

  4. We want one too! Enjoyed the feet!
